by dint of


by dint of 的定义

  1. By means of, as in By dint of hard work he got his degree in three years. The word dint, which survives only in this expression, originally meant “a stroke or blow,” and by the late 1500s signified the force behind such a blow. The current term preserves the implication of vigorous or persistent means.

by dint of 近义词

by dint of

等同于 through

by dint of

等同于 via

更多by dint of例句

  1. The Dallas Cowboys sell out their state-of-the art football stadium.
  2. A step-by-step plan to break from your various technology addictions.
  3. Those snakes attacked unwitting passers-by, or invaded homes and hotels.
  4. Horniness packs side-by-side by with a deeper loneliness along the walls of The Park.
  5. We happily hoist our egg nog in the air, embrace each other, and raise our out-of-tune voices in song.
  6. All along the highways and by-paths of our literature we encounter much that pertains to this "queen of plants."
  7. John was baptizing at a large pool called Ænon-by-Saleim,—probably allegorical, meaning “Fountain of Repose.”
  8. The sewing-machine made a resounding clatter in the room; it was of a ponderous, by-gone make.
  9. You never know when you are going to stumble upon a jewel in the most out-of-the-way corner.
  10. Mr. Spurrell came down to see a horse, and we shall be very glad to have the benefit of his opinion by-and-by.